meeting有会议,聚会,汇合点,运动会的意思。这一词汇在英语阅读中常出现,今天小编给大家带来了meeting的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。
n. 会议,聚会,汇合点,运动会
v. 相遇( meet的现在分词),相识,开会,接触(某物)
meeting前常加介词at,表示“在会议上”; 而表示“在会议期间私下说话”则用介词in。
The meeting will deal with these problems.本次会议将就这些问题作出处理。
Our meeting in Beijing was later than I expected.我们在北京的会面比我们预想的要晚。
Police were called in to break up the meeting.出动了警察将集会驱散。
1、We'll go to a meeting in Birmingham and come straight back.
2、The Politburo has been meeting in Peking to discuss the situation.
3、The club has moved its meeting to Saturday, January 22nd.
[n.] gathering, assemblage, assembly, social gathering, social affair, convergence, converging
conference: 正式用词,一般指大型会议,如政府工作会议、国际学术交流会议、各国之间的协商、会谈等。
congress: 指国会、议会、代表大会等机构,尤指经选举产生的国家立法机构的大会或由这些机构召开的大会,也可指专业人员代表大会。
assembly: 多指一个通常有许多人参加、计划好的,为某一特殊目的而召集的会议。
meeting: 普通用词,词义广泛。指一般性的会议,可用于任何场合。
rally: 指大规模的群众性政治集会。
council: 在国际上多指由各国代表参加的政治会议,或常设的政治机构。在国内、地方上,此词多指常设的政务领导机构,如市政委员会等。
session: 一般指议会等召开的正式会议。
convention: 侧重指某一政党或团体为某一特殊目的而召开的会议;也可指学术团体的年会。
gathering: 指两人以上的聚会或集会,强调非正式性。
meeting词组 | 习惯用语
plenary meeting 全会;全体会议
at the meeting 在会议上;开会
annual meeting 年会
meeting room 会议室
at a meeting 在开会
general meeting 全体大会
sports meeting 运动会
regular meeting 例会
have a meeting 开会
business meeting 商务会议;业务会议
board meeting 董事会议
meeting place 聚会地点,会场
attend a meeting 参加会议
class meeting 班会;级会
emergency meeting 紧急会议
cabinet meeting 内阁会议;大臣会议
hold a meeting 开会;举行会议
meeting people 结识;与人见面
joint meeting 联席会议
summit meeting n. 首脑会议,最高级会议
1.There were many absentees from the meeting.这次会议有很多人缺席。
2.He abstained from speaking at the meeting.会上,他默不作声。
3.He acted as chairman of the meeting.他担任大会主席。
4.They advanced the time of the meeting.他们把会议时间提前了。
5.They arranged the room for the meeting.他们把房间布置好准备开会。
6.She excused herself from attending the meeting.她请求不参加会议。
7.She was debarred from attending the meeting.她被禁止参加这次会议。
8.A crowd of protesters disrupted the meeting.一群抗议者扰乱了会议。
9.The meeting dragged out all the afternoon.会议整整拖延了一下午。
10.I never dreamed of meeting you here.我绝对未想到在这里遇到你。
11.The meeting extended late into the night.会议继续到深夜。
12.He was forgiven for missing the meeting.他没有来开会, 得到了(大家的)谅解。
13.He went to heckle at their meetings.他去他们的会议起哄。
14.I felt very humble when meeting her.遇到她时我觉得很卑微。
15.He introduced a motion to the meeting.他向会议提出一项动议。
16.He was very pompous at the meeting.他在会上表现得很自负。
17.The meeting has been postponed to Friday.会议推迟到星期五举行。
18.Your presence at the meeting is requested.敬请光临。
19.He minuted the procedure of the meeting.他对会议议程做了记录。
20.I sent my representative to the meeting.我派了代表参加会议。